Is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere
Is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere

Thousands of medical professionals that are upholding their oath to do no harm, have spoken out against the vaccines due to the injuries and deaths they have witnessed in the vaccinated.Īnd on the other side, thousands of medical professionals are complicit in genocide and have violated the Nuremberg Code. Millions of people have been injured for life or murdered within days of receiving the death shot so called vaccine. Whistleblowers testify that there were no excess deaths in 2020 at all, and as soon as they started the vaccine campaign, deaths increased and all were vaccinated. There is no delta, just vaccine injuries.

Is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere full#

The hospitals are full of the vaccinated with vaccine side effects. And if they have only received one shot, they are also considered to be unvaccinated. Now if someone dies within 14 days of receiving the vaccine they are considered to be unvaccinated. The statistics are being distorted to hide the genocide. And all the vaccinated are expected to die from the vaccine within a few years.

is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere

The actual number of people injured or dead after receiving the vaccine is already in the millions. The official numbers are in the tens of thousands, which is more than enough to halt all covid vaccines on the planet. The number of people dying from the Covid vaccines is being covered up. The Vaccine Is Killing Millions of People They want us to fight each other.Īrmed with the truth, we all stand united! Go against us will only give the satanic cabal what they want. Police must uphold their oath and protect Canadian charter rights.Īll police and military have to do is stand with the people and you will be hero’s. The requirement in section 1 in order to violate the charter has not been met. You are personally liable financially and criminally accountable and can be charged under the Canadian crimes against humanity and war crimes act and sentenced to life in prison for violations of our human rights.ġ22 countries signed on to the Rome Statute that clearly states following orders is not a defence. Police, armed forces and all government officials promoting this violation of our human rights and vaccine genocide. What side of history are you going to be on. Police and armed forces, the time has come, a final decision. You do not work for the pedophile mass murderer Trudeau.

is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere

Not one of a paid armed thug carrying out illegal orders against the innocent and freedom loving. Police and armed forces must stand with the truckers. Now is time for the police and the armed forces to stand with the people and arrest the globalist genocidal maniacs.

is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere

Truckers have stood up, backed by the people. It must be stopped and all promoters of this genocide must be arrested. There was no pandemic, there is no virus, the vaccine is the killer. They are exactly what we have been warning since the beginning. Yet knowing this, Trudeau, Trump, Biden and the rest are still telling you to to kill yourself by deadly “vaccination“ Millions of people Injured and killed that have been reported to the VARES which represents 1% of the actual number. Therefore all covid measures have been crimes against humanity an must be immediately halted and everyone responsible for the covid scam be arrested.Ģ021 Increased Overall Deaths 40-65% directly caused by the killer vaccine. A movement away from vaccine genocide and tyrannical insane satanic leadership.Īnyone with a functioning brain cell can see the covid lie for what it is and the killer vaccine for what it is.Ģ020 No Excess Deaths + No Virus Proven To Exist = No Pandemic Independent media is fighting in this war to arm you with the truth and help unite us allĭylan Eleven | | February 6 2022 Thank You For Supporting Independent Media

Is the movie cooties supported on movies anywhere